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Dr. Tu's Course Timeline on Dipity.
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Lesson Discussions (2 points)
Prepare group assignment:
02/22, Wednesday
02/26, Sunday
03/04, Sunday
As you know, the fall schedule is now open for you to view. You may have noticed that there are not many ETC courses listed in the fall semester. Here's the deal...
We petitioned the university to change the numbers of our courses. The application went through the appropriate channels and the process ended yesterday with an approval. That means that central administration needs to create the codes for the new courses into LOUIE (they need to build the courses). Once they are built, then our scheduler can add them to the schedule that all students can see. That takes about two weeks.
So, do not despair. We will offer all of our ETC courses in the fall but they will show with the new numbers. Expect to see them in the schedule in about two weeks.
If you're not familiar with the new numbering for courses, please check out...
Also, remember that on your POS you can use either the old or new numbers, meaning that you don't have to take two courses for one requirement. If you have any questions, please contact your academic advisors.
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Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 12:46 PM
To: Gypsy Marie Denzine
Subject: AFCEA STEM Teachers Scholarship Opportunity for your Students
Dear Dr. Gypsy Denzine,
Please help us get the word out to your students at Northern Arizona University's College of Education about our $5,000 scholarship opportunity for students working towards teaching STEM subjects in middle or high schools. We were able to award 50 scholarships last year in support of STEM education. We need you help in reaching deserving, future STEM Teachers with our support!
In addition to the $5,000 scholarship, each graduating AFCEA STEM Scholar will receive a $1,000 AFCEA STEM Teaching Tool grant each year for three years, provided they remain teaching a STEM subject. These grants can be used to fund hardware and software, classroom tools, field trips, STEM-focused clubs and other activities.
Interested candidates, teachers and mentors can get more information and download the online application at http://stem.afcea.org.
Please note that the application deadline this year is April 1, 2012.
Eligibility and other details are explained in the accompanying fact sheet and flyer.
Posting scholarship information on your website, sharing it through student communications, posting on bulletin boards, and anything further your school can do or suggest to help us spread the word would be very much appreciated!
Thank you for joining us in supporting STEM Education,
The AFCEA Educational Foundation Team
Kelsey Garegnani
Marketing and Communications Coordinator
AFCEA Educational Foundation
Phone: 703-631-6138
Email: kgaregnani@afcea.org
Norma Corrales
Senior Director
Scholarships & Awards Program
AFCEA Educational Foundation
Phone: 703-631-6149
FAX: 703-631-4693
URL: http://scholarships.afcea.org
Email: ncorrales@afcea.org
The start of a new year is a good time to think about all the information you keep on electronic devices and, equally as important, how to safeguard it from loss. We're all using and carrying more electronic devices than ever before, and we're using them to store ever more important, even vital information. The last few years have seen a boom in smartphones, tablets, and similar mobile devices. The only information that used to be on our mobile phones were phone numbers, but now we have pictures, movies, apps, TV shows, financial information, music, contacts, calendars, email, and more on these little pocket computers. Give a thought to all the information you would lose if your phone was lost, stolen, or simply failed to turn on one morning. Would that cause any problems for you?
Most smartphones provide a method for backing up to either a computer or to a web-service.
Once the information on your phone is backed up, you should also give some thought to keeping the information on the device from falling into the wrong hands should your device be lost or stolen. If you connect your device to NAU's Exchange email system, NAU already enforces a password policy and other security measures. Even if you don't, it would be wise to turn on your device's Idle Lock and set a password to keep prying eyes or curious little fingers out of your phone.
Apple and Microsoft both provide web-based tools to help you locate a misplaced device by using the GPS in the phone to show you its location on a map, and in the event you can't recover it, you can erase all the data on it using their web services. For Apple devices, log into iCloud.com with your Apple ID and for Windows Phone 7 Devices log into windowsphone.com with your Windows Live ID. Users of Android-based phones can add similar features through Android apps such as "Where's My Droid?" or "Android Lost." Lost Blackberry devices connected to NAU's Blackberry Enterprise Server can be remotely wiped by ITS by calling the Solution Center at x1511. Owners of Blackberries not connected to NAU can download an app called "Blackberry Protect" to help locate and remote wipe their phones.
Thanks for your active contributions in Lesson 1 discussion! We had good interactions in our discussions in the topics of Connectivism, ONLE, & PLE.
Here are some reflections to share with you to help you to enhance your further learning:
1. One concept we need to clarify: it is not all online learning is considered as ONLE/PLE. It is important to understand the differences between ONLE/PLE and other types of online learning. Connectivism is the learning theory that ONLE/PLE is built upon. Frequently, Web 2.0 tools are integrated to deliver ONLE/PLE instructions because Web 2.0 tools have the characteristics of open, network, and social.
2. "ONLE/PLE instructional strategies" are the keys in our class. I would like to remind us to think what effective ONLE/PLE instructional strategies are that we can integrate to support our Connectivism instructions via multiple Web 2.0tools.
3. Unfortunately, our Lesson 1 discussion did not set any new records in comparing to previous semesters. In fact, our average posting was the lowest one historically. Let's set our mindset differently, our contributions to lesson discussions is more than just our own personal learning. Your active and interactive lesson contribution to lesson discussions enrich ETC647's ONLE and support future 647 students' learning. Remember, current 647's ONLE was created by previous students. Shouldn't we do the same thing for the upcoming students?
4. If we set new records for lesson discussion, we all can earn a Comrade in Arms Badge (CIA) or a Paul Revere Badge (PR). See
· ETC647 Lesson Discussion Statistics at: http://etc647.wetpaint.com/page/ETC647+Lesson+Discussion+Statistics
· For Global Digital Citizen Passport information, see: http://etc647.wetpaint.com/page/Global+Digital+Citizen+Passport