Wednesday, November 30, 2011
ETC647 Grade Consolidation
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
L6 Discussions
Lesson5 Discussion Grades & Feedback Posted
Monday, November 28, 2011
Elluminate with Chih
L5 Blog & A6 Grade & Feedback Posted
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Thanksgiving Break (11/21-27): Happy Thanksgiving!!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Elluminate Microphone
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
L6 Highlight: 11/14-20; 11/28-12/04
11/21-11/27: Thanksgiving Week; No Required instructions
Lesson Discussions (2 points)
Wetpaint Wiki discussion board.
- Moderator: Team 6
11/16, Wednesday
11/17, Thursday
Due: 1st posting period for Lesson 6 discussions : One posting at least: Respond to discussion question. Each posting should at least two tags.
11/20, Sunday
Due: 2nd posting period for Lesson 6 discussions : One posting at least: Respond to discussion question and/or respond to others' postings. Each posting should at least two tags.
- Lesson 6 Moderators post Lesson 6 discussion question on discussion board.
11/21-11/27: Thanksgiving Week: No Required Instructions12/01, Thursday
Due: 3rd posting period for Lesson 6 discussions : One posting at least: Respond to discussion question and/or respond to others' postings. Each posting should at least two tags.
12/04, Sunday
Due: 4th posting period for Lesson 6 discussions : One posting at least: Respond to discussion question and/or respond to others' postings. Each posting should at least two tags.
- Assignment 7: Network Learning Unit
Due: Assignment 11: Lesson 6 Team Blog Reflections (All Groups)
Due Assignment 12: Lesson 6 Content Development (Team 6 Only)
- Lesson 7 readings
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Right Understanding on ONLE instructional strategies
After reviewing your unit proposals, I noticed that many were unclear with ONLE/PLE instructional strategies. Below are a few notes to help you to clarify your understanding to apply right ONLE instructional strategies to support your unit
· When integrating social tagging to support your ONLE, it is necessary to design an effective social tagging architecture toguide your learners to tag their learning resources. See ETC647 Social Tagging Architecture at:
· UGC: It is more than just to have students to create learning content. We should require other students or future students to apply these content as required or recommended readings; otherwise, it is not learning content. It would be just learning resources since we do not engage other learners in more interactive learning with these learning content created by the peers. Simply saying that requiring students to apply wiki to create content is considered as weak UGC design.
· Community-Community Interaction: Generally, it is referred to at least two different communities that have opportunities to interact with one another across time ad space, particularly time. Typical community-community interaction can be coordinated with UGC to enhance network learning, such as ETC647's Content Development or apply social tagging architecture to share learning resources with future students or using social tagging to share current students' assignment products with future students.
· Social network linkage: It is more than just using social network sites, such as Facebook, Twitter etc. The social network linkage actually refers to become friends, follow friends, or become fans etc. Be sure your social network linkage design has right linkage design (friends, follow, and fan etc.)
Lesson 4 Grades & Feedback Posted
Monday, November 7, 2011
L5, W2 Diigo interaction
L5, Week 2 Discussion on Diigo
Saturday, November 5, 2011
A5 Unit Proposal Feedback & Grades Posted
Friday, November 4, 2011
Want to earn a Super Early Bird Badge?
Make to make at least one contribution on ETC647 Diigo group for Lesson 5 Discussions by Monday midnight, 11/7.
Messages/E-Mail no BBLearn
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Reminder: Tonight: Web 2.0 Technology Training
Don’t miss tonight’s sessions! We had excellent sessions last night.
All training sessions are hosted on Elluminate. You do not need to sign up for the sessions. All sessions will be recorded for later access. You can access this and previous semesters’ ^ last night’s recordings at:
Date: November 2, Wednesday, 6-7 pm Arizona Time
Title: VoiceThread
Speaker: ETC647 Group 3
Facilitator: ETC647 Students
Where: Elluminate: ETC Virtual Space.
Date: November 2, Wednesday, 7:15-8:15 pm Arizona Time
Title: Using Mobile Learning: The Next Step
Speaker: ETC647 Group 2
Facilitator: ETC647 Students
Where: Elluminate: ETC Virtual Space.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
ETC647 Lesson Content Development
All our lesson content developments are completed & available now. See Great work! It is like we complete a textbook for ETC647 for current & future students to study. Proud of you!!!
Earn Early Bird Badge by Participating L5 Discussions
Don’t forget to contribute at least posting on Google Sites by Tuesday midnight.
Reminder: Tonight: Web 2.0 technology for teaching and learning
ETC 647 students are providing Web 2.0 Technology Training on November 1 & 2. Please join us to learn new Web 2.0 technology for teaching and learning.
All training sessions are hosted on Elluminate. You do not need to sign up for the sessions. All sessions will be recorded for later access. You can access this and previous semesters’’ recordings at:
Date: November 1, Tuesday, 6-7 pm Arizona Time
Title: Kerpoof
Speaker: ETC647 Group 4
Facilitator: ETC647 Students
Where: Elluminate: ETC Virtual Space.
Date: November 1, Tuesday, 7:15-8:15 pm Arizona Time
Title: Delicious Stacks"- a new flavor, still Delicious
Speaker: ETC647 Group 1
Facilitator: ETC647 Students
Where: Elluminate: ETC Virtual Space.
ETC647, Lesson 4, Week 2 Badges Summary
- TOP 3: Roman Graff; Barb Miroballi; Denilya Barrett
- Our average posting declined. The lowest average among L1-L4.
- We have less people earning badges in Lesson 4 Week 2.